Parrot Safe Vegetables
•Arugula (Rocket)
•Beet & Greens (Beetroot, All colors)
•Broccoli & Greens (Broccolini, Broccoli Rabe, Rapini)
•Brussel Sprouts
•Cabbage (Red/Green, Bok Choy, Napa)
•Carrots & Greens (All Colors)
•Cauliflower & Greens (All Colors)
•Celery - string removed (& Celeriac Root)
•Chard (Silverbeet, Swiss)
•Collard Greens
•Dandelion Greens
•Fennel (Bulb & Greens)
•Green Beans (& Yellow/Purple, French, Runner)
•Kale (& Cavolo Nero)
•Lettuces (Dark Green/Red)
•Mustard Greens
•Parsnip (Peeled)
•Peas & Pea Pods (Mange Tout)
•Peppers (Bell, Capsicum, Cayenne, Chili, Jalapeno)
•Radish & Greens
•Squash & Pumpkin (All varieties)
•Sweet Potato/Yam (All Colors)
•Tomato (& Tomatillo)
•Turnips & Greens
•Watercress (Cress)
•Zucchini (Courgette)
-Seeds from the vegetables above are safe to feed
-Sweet potatoes may be best digested if cooked or slightly steamed
-For controversial items, such as Asparagus or Eggplant (Aubergine), consult with your Avian Vet
-Leaves & Stems from Nightshade plants, such as Peppers & Tomatoes, are toxic
This is also true for Parsnip Greens
Parrot Safe Fruits
•Apricot (& Aprium)
•Cactus Pear (Prickly Pear)
•Dragon Fruit
•Orange (Mandarins, Tangerine)
•Passion Fruit (Ripe)
•Peach (& Nectarine)
•Persimmon (Ripe)
•Plum (Damson, Greengage, Pluot)
● Do not feed pits/pips/seeds from Apricot, Aprium, Cherry, Lychee, Nectarine, Peach, Pear, Plum, Pluot or Rambutan
-Seeds from Apple, Grapes, Kiwi, Melons, Papaya & Pomegranate are safe to feed
-Seeds from Jackfruit & Mangosteen are toxic, unless properly cooked/boiled
Parrot Safe Berries
•Currant (All Colors)
•Gogi Berry
•Hawthorne Berry
•Kiwi Berry
•Raspberry (All Colors)
•Rose Hips
•Rowan Berry
•Service Berries (June Berry, Saskatoon)
Parrot Safe Grains
(For cooking or sprouting)
•Corn (All Colors)
•Quinoa (All Colors)
•Rice (Brown, Black, Red or Wild)
•Wheat "Berries"
-For sprouting, buy whole grains, not pearled, polished or steel cut
-Never soak or sprout Sorghum, also known as Milo, Mega Millet or Super Millet
-Amaranth grain is safe sprouted or cooked, but should not be fed raw
Parrot Safe Dried Beans/Lugumes
(For cooking or sprouting)
•Adzuki Beans
•Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)
•Lentils (All Varieties)
•Mung Beans
•Peas (All Varieties)
-Dried beans require either soaking & sprouting or soaking & thorough cooking
-For sprouting, buy whole legumes, not split
Parrot Safe Tree Nuts
•Brazil Nut
•Hazelnut (Filbert)
•Macadamia Nut
•Pine Nut
•Pistachio Nut
-Peanuts are not recommended for parrots. They may harbor the Aspergillus fungus, which when either inhaled or ingested can lead to lethal diseases in Parrots
-Macadamia & Brazil nuts are high in fat & may not be appropriate for all parrot species
-In some regions of the world, people do feed Palm Nuts, Gumnuts & edible sweet Chestnuts (not American Horse Chestnuts). Seek expert identification to be 100% sure you have parrot-safe varieties
-Coconut, although not a true nut, is parrot safe
Parrot Safe Herbs
•Lemon Balm
-Do not give Comfrey, as it is toxic
-The average ratio for fresh herb to dried herb is 3:1, So 3 tsp fresh herb = 1 tsp dry herb
Parrot Safe Spices (Use Sparingly)
•Anise Seed (Aniseed & Star Anise)
•Cayenne Pepper
•Celery Seed
•Chili Pepper
•Cinnamon (Ceylon)
•Dill Seed
•Fennel Seed
•Red Pepper (Flakes/Seeds)
•Sesame Seed
-Do not give Nutmeg, as it is toxic