Do not feed List: Foods that are Toxic &/or To-Be-Avoided in a Parrots Diet
•Boxed Mixes (Muffins, Bread or Pancake)
•Breakfast Cereal (Sweetened, Vitamin Enriched)
•Dairy Products
•Dried Uncooked Beans or Legumes
•Fats & Oils
•Fruit Stones/Pits/Pips
•Junk Foods (Fried, Salty or Sugary Foods)
•Sorghum (Safe raw, Unsafe soaked or sprouted)
•Sulfured Dried Fruits
•Sweeteners (Natural or Artificial)
•Tomato or Pepper Leaves & Stems (Fruits are safe)
•White Flour Based Foods (Pasta, Couscous, Bread, Tortillas, Crackers, ect..)
•White Starchy Carbohydrates- Other (White Rice, White Potato)
-Do not feed raw mature beans/legumes, whether dried or fresh-frozen, as they must be well cooked & only some types are safe for sprouting
-Do not feed pits/pips/seeds from Apricot, Aprium, Cherry, Lychee, Nectarine, Peach, Pear, Plum, Pluot or Rambutan
-Do not soak or sprout Sorghum, also known as Milo, Super Millet or Mega Millet
-Do not give foods containing the artificial sweetener Xylitol
-Yucca/Cassva & Horseradish are known to be toxic for some animals & may be best avoided
-For controversial items, such as Garlic, Asparagus, Eggplant or Cultivated Mushrooms, check with your Avian Vet